Little Feet - Long Walk

Hello and welcome to my blog. This blog is the journey of our family after Millie, our 2 year old daughter, was discovered to have a large brain tumour. The tumour was caused by an aggresive cancer named anaplastic ependymoma. Please feel free to read as much as you want and spread the word. If you want to know more details about the diagnosis then it is best to start at "The beginning ... " which was written in May 2011. But you are welcome to follow us from today. I have created pages that summarise the events leading up to the start of going to Florida for proton radiotherapy at the beginning of June 2011, about 8 weeks after diagnosis.

Thursday, 16 June 2011

Day Five (Saturday 11th June 2011)

We had another quiet day inside. We didn't even leave the house today, it is much safer inside not having to tackle new things! It is also too damn hot out there from very early. After our huge american breakfast Millie had a nap in the pram. My husband and I had a coffee and muffin and read the local paper and the guide book to Florida. I am trying to find some toddler friendly places to go that are not all outside in the heat. The RMH staff didn't have many ideas, so it looks like a have a mission! Although we have appointments piling up so I'm not sure we are going to have much time to go anywhere soon. Another reason to be taking it easy whilst we can. Both Millie and husband seem to be very tired. Millie was grouchy today and wanted Mummy all the time - which is getting hard work for both of us.

After we skyped home we let Millie play for a bit then went down for lunch. Millie had another 2 yogurts having had 2 for breakfast. The yogurts here are luminescent. I opened the first one and was quite shocked to discover it was bright pink and yellow (strawberry and banana mash!). The raspberry rainbow flavour is bright pink and purple, the strawberry and kiwi is, yes you guessed it, bright pink and bright green. I haven't dared open a Cotton Candy (candy floss flavour) one yet. They still taste mostly of yogurt. You can get chocolate yogurt here as well, we haven't tried it yet.

This afternoon sort of drifted by. I had a look online for ideas of things to do tomorrow. There is a dolphin marine place about an hour away and an alligator farm also near there. Thought Millie might enjoy either and as they are near the coast it might be cooler. I'm hoping that both have lots of indoor space. Looks like we are doing the dolphins tomorrow. Although when I asked Millie she said she didn't like dolphins. I think that sums her up today! We'll have to see how brave we are and how early we wake up!

After tea we went outside to the play area that is in the middle of the building. Millie watered some of the plant pots. We did them yesterday as well after it was suggested by one of the staff. She then decided to sit in the plastic car that is like the one we have at my parents. She was actually able to move it forward with her feet, something that is quite difficult to do. She is slowly getting used to the other kids, who are all boys and mostly older (and all british!). There is Jacob who I told you about yesterday and is a bit of a boistrous one. Then there is Ollie who I think is about 7 and then Shavan who is about 3. My husband and I were looking at the play areas today and decided that, although they are good and pretty well equipped, they really are set up for use by  preschoolers. Our eldest would be bored very quickly, except there are loads of videos and DVDs! We are thinking of buying a few outdoor toys for Millie to use here and then donating them when we leave.

We are slowly getting into a routine here. Millie still wants to come home and doesn't want to see more doctors. It's hard because she doesn't really understand but I do try to explain that they will make her better so that she doesn't stop walking again. She has improved whilst out here but that is probably due to all the stairs she is climbing! We are on the 2nd floor and there is a lift the other side of the building but the stairs are right next to our room and they take us right to the kitchen. So, not being american, we take the stairs. This evening Millie was climbing the stairs whilst holding my hand. I also noticed that she was putting both her left and right foot up first and she didn't seem to be favouring either. We have a physio appointment on Monday so we will have to see what they say.

It's my husband's birthday tomorrow and I was going to make a cake using one of the many cake mixes in the pantry. I also need to sign the cards!

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